April 25, 2011

Poetry Corner

Welcome back to Poetry Corner Monday! Sorry I was quiet last week. Had some... rough stuff going on...

In the vein of focusing on Kiernan Kane (my dad's favorite character in my quadrilogy), here's a song he sings in one of the books: (I believe it's the third one, based on the date)

Kiernan’s Song 6-25-04

The minstrel draws you
The minstrel calls you
The minstrel beckons
Come listen, come hear.

When the days turn dark
And the firelight dim

When cold are your hearts
Come listen to him.

The minstrel sings
And strums his strings
Let your heart take wings
Come listen, come hear.

When the road seems long
When your strength is gone
You’ve forgotten his song
Come listen, draw near.

Let the minstrel remind you
With his song let him find you
From the darkness unbind you
Come listen, come hear.

The minstrel draws you
The minstrel calls you
The minstrel beckons
Come listen, come near.

1 comment:

NanJ said...

I just told Daddy & Brittany that I have yet to read your 4th book... I did not get in on all the read-aloud times they had! This poem beckons me to get my hands on their copy and read through the whole quadrilogy! :-)